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How to Save on Your Next Roof Installation

Everyone likes to save where they can, especially in today’s economy. When it comes to saving on your roof installation, this can be an area many homeowners can have difficulty with. Roof installation...

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Roof installation contractor in alberta
6 Tips for Choosing the Best Contractor for a Roofing Installation

Selecting a roofing contractor is work that requires due diligence. There is no shortage of roofing contractors in Alberta. A question that many homeowners have is how to select the best one for...

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Roof installation
How Calgary’s Climate Can Impact Roof Installation Decisions

Calgary is a city of 5 seasons – spring, summer, fall, winter and, of course, construction. Our city is not unfamiliar with extreme weather events. From heavy rain to scorching summer heat and...

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Things To Consider When Choosing Your Home’s Next Roof

Choosing a roof is more than just an aesthetic decision. It's a significant investment that impacts your home's insulation, energy efficiency, and resistance to the elements.  The range of roofing materials available today...

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Making the Call: Should You Repair or Replace Your Roof?

Optimal decision-making is the cornerstone of minimizing immediate and future costs associated with any home renovation project. This holds particularly true for substantial tasks such as hiring a roofing contractor for a task...

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Roofing contractors
70 Years of Service in Alberta- Business Started in 1953

A. Clark Roofing & Siding is proud to announce that 2023 marks our 70th year as one of Alberta's most trusted roofing companies! A.Clark Roofing & Siding has established a stellar reputation as...

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Roof replacement in calgary
Roof Replacement in Calgary: What to Expect

The average roof lasts about 20 years before the materials start to leak, and the interior is vulnerable to damage. Some materials, like metal roofing, will last longer, but you can expect any...

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Metal roof vs shingles
Metal Roof vs Shingles: Which is Better?

Metal roofing and architectural roof shingles are the two most popular roofing systems, with either option being a great decision. Both have several advantages while still having some key differences for each option....

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The Ultimate Guide to Metal Roofing

Are you looking to remodel your home? Are you in the market for a new roof? If so, the roofing material you use will make a big difference in look, cost, performance, and...

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